By leading the way, Etna is at the forefront of stormwater management and has been recognized for a number of its project. These projects include hosting a rain garden demonstration project, the rehabilitation of the School Street Public Parking Lot 11 which consists of a 20-square-foot high-rate biofiltration system that directs the infiltrated water into a 1,060-cubic-foot stormwater management storage unit and our current Green Streetscape project which is disconnecting many of our buildings from the combined sewage system.
As part of the Green Streetscape project the Borough replaced all of the antiquated street lights with high efficiency lighting. In addition, Etna has been working on converting the Duquesne Light Street Lighting To LED.
Through our efforts Etna Borough is among the first municipalities to become certified through the Southwestern Pennsylvania Sustainable Community Essentials Certification program. Etna is recognized at the Silver level of certification. The Sustainable Pennsylvania Community Certification is comprised of 131 criteria spanning 9 broad topic areas relevant to high performing local governments across economic, social, environmental, and civic engagement values. This Certification, developed by Sustainable Pittsburgh, is designed for municipalities that are working to save money, conserve resources and serve vibrant communities. In earning the Silver Certification, Etna is acknowledged for its progress in addressing such areas as community design and land use, energy efficiency, health and wellness, mitigating blight, intergovernmental cooperation, recycling and waste reduction, fiscal controls, and internal management and operations.